FENN and Shirley Mortuary

FENN and Shirley Mortuary is located at 1315 West Lincoln Road, Kokomo Indiana, 46902 Zip. FENN and Shirley Mortuary provides complete funeral services to Gloster local community and the surrounding areas. To find out more information about and local funeral services that they offer, give them a call at (765) 453-4400.

FENN and Shirley Mortuary

Business Name: FENN and Shirley Mortuary
Address: 1315 West Lincoln Road
City: Kokomo
State: Indiana
ZIP: 46902
Phone number: (765) 453-4400
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Comfort a grieving friend or loved one with flowers.

FENN and Shirley Mortuary directions to 1315 West Lincoln Road in Kokomo Indiana are shown on the google map above. Its geocodes are 40.4396, -86.0892. Call FENN and Shirley Mortuary for visitation hours, funeral viewing times and services provided.

Business Hours
Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

FENN and Shirley Mortuary Obituaries

Funeral services for Feb. 28, 2017

Visitation 5-8 p.m. and Rosary 6 p.m. March 1, Basham Funeral Care Chapel. Mass 10 a.m. March 2, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church. Basham Funeral Care.Kenneth Warren Berkshire, 84, Bakersfield, Feb. 21. Service 10 a.m. March 3, Bakersfield National Cemetery. Basham Funeral Care.Duron Fred Blackmon, 57, Bakersfield, Feb. 23. Service 11 a.m. Feb. 28, Rising Star Baptist Church, 3421 Wilson Road. Jesse E. Cooley, Jr. Mortuary.Antonio Padilla Ogas, 65, Bakersfield, Feb. 22. Graveside service 2 p.m. March 3, Greenlawn Funeral Home Southwest. Greenlawn Funeral Home Southwest.SERVICES PENDINGJesus Jimenez Arroyo, 75, Bakersfield, Feb. 24. Delano Mortuary.Francisco Lozano Ayala, 93, Bakersfield, Feb. 23. Greenlawn Funeral Home.David Marinez Barajas, 72, Wasco, Feb. 26. Peters Funeral Home Wasco.Jonathan Churchill, 64, Bakersfield, Feb. 26. Basham Funeral Care.Mark Anthony Corbin, 56, Bakersfield, Feb. 24. Rucker’s Mortuary.Marianne Montrucchio Criswell, 72, Bakersfield, Dec. 25. Bakersfield Funeral Home.Shirley Jane Edwards, 82, Bakersfield, Feb. 27. Basham Funeral Care.Steven Jeffries, 64, Bakersfield, Feb. 25. Basham Funeral Care.Fannie Marie Lewis, 74, Bakersfield, Feb. 24. Bakersfield Funeral Home.Helen Lopez, 95, Bakersfield, Feb. 20. Rucker’s Mortuary.Sergio Landin Molina, 52, Delano, Feb. 20. Glenwood Funeral Home.Richard Gene Quiring, 73, Bakersfield, Feb. 23. Mission Family Mortuary.Evelyn Robert, 92, Bakersfield, Feb. 24. Rucker’s Mortuary.Barbara A. Root, 58, Bakersfield, Feb. 26. Kern River Family Mortuary.Joseph Graham Tautkus, 60, Tehachapi, Feb. 14. Bakersfield Funeral Home.Ples McDonald Taylor IV, 47, Bakersfield, Feb. 23. Greenlawn Funeral Home.Chibiko Godwin Onyeukwu, 80, Bakersfield, Feb. 22. Greenlawn Funeral Home Southwest.Sam H. Owen, 75, Bakersfield, Feb. 27. Basham Funeral Care.Seward Keith Spurlock, 72, Bakersfield, Feb. 19. Mission Family Mortuary.John Straub, 74, Bakersfield, Feb. 23. Basham Funeral Care.Tejinder Singh Takhar, 69, Bakersfield, Feb. 24. Greenlawn Funeral Home... (The Bakersfield Californian)

Vital Records for the Week of 7-26

OWI Endangering a PersonJordan Roberts, 30 (Greentown Arrest), Battery on a JuvenileNathan Hale, 21, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of ParaphernaliaStephen Goshern, 44, Burglary, Possession of Meth-amphetamine, TheftDerek Wheeler, 27, OWI with a BAC of more than .08, Resisting Law EnforcementRonald Damewood Jr.Charges: Residential EntryDefense Counsel: Mark Dabrowski Prosecutor: Jeremy PeelleSentence: Howard County Jail for 913 days, 154 days executed, balance suspended, supervised probation for balance of suspended sentence, no contact with the victimFees: Court costs, probation feesJesse MitchellCharges: BatteryDefense Counsel: Stephanie Doran Prosecutor: Jeremy PeelleSentence: Howard County Jail for 913 days, 772 days executed, balance suspended, supervised probation for balance of suspended sentenceFees: Court costs, probation feesSuperior IStacie SmithCharges: Possession of MarijuanaDefense Counsel: Kevin O’KeefeProsecutor: Justin Alter Sentence: Howard County Jail for 365 days, 2 days executed, balance suspended, supervised probation for balance of suspended sentence, complete Alcohol and Drug ProgramFees: Court costs, probation fees, Alcohol and Drug program fee, Drug Interdiction feeJoseph MartinCharges: Domestic BatteryDefense Counsel: Jeffrey Elftman Prosecutor:T.J. RethlakeSentence: Indiana Department of Correction for 730 days, 58 days executed, balance suspended, supervised probation for balance of suspended sentence, complete Men’s Non-Violence Education Group, complete Alcohol and Drug program, no contact with the victimFees: Court costs, probation fees, Alcohol and Drug program fee, Men’s Non-Violence Education Group feeJennifer LandrumCharges: Possession of Meth-amphetamineDefense Counsel: Jeffrey Elftman Prosecutor: Justin Alter Sentence: Indiana Department of Correction for 730 days, 14 days executed, balance suspended, supervised probation for balance of suspended sentence, complete Alcohol and Drug programFees: Court costs, probation fees, Alcohol and Drug program fee, Dru... (Kokomo Perspective)

Show your sympathy and support during these difficult times with beautiful selection of funeral flowers delivered to FENN and Shirley Mortuary for viewing, visitation of burial service.

FENN and Shirley Mortuary and any funeral home, chapel, cemetery, mortuary on this are trademarks of their respective owners. Any trademark references are made solely for purposes of providing local information about FENN and Shirley Mortuary such as obituaries, address and directions.